Garnet smykkesten
Garnet har en hårdhed på 6,5 – 7,5 på Mohs Skala
Garnet smykkesten styrker selvtilliden og hjælper med fremgang i karrieren. Garnet styrker intimiteten og ønsket om et binde sig.
Garnet is the official birthstone for January. Garnet’s powers include healing, strength, and protection and it is often worn to relieve inflammations of the skin. It is also believed to regulate the heart and blood flow and aid in curing depression. In earlier times, garnets were exchanged as gifts between friends to demonstrate their affection for each other and to insure that they meet again.
Remove negativity, romantic love, passion, sensuality, intimacy, career success, selfconfidence, protection from evil, awareness, commitment, regeneration, order, insight. Healing lore: Health, cellular regeneration, blood, heart, lungs.
Garnet smykkesten Colour
Garnet is available in a veritable plethora of colours, such as yellow, orange, peach, green, red, purple, blue (rare), brown and pink. However, the most commonly occurring colour is red and the rarest is blue. Garnet also rarely occurs in colour-change varieties, which have a different colour depending on whether they are viewed in incandescent or natural light. The rarest colour-change garnet appears blue in daylight, and changes to purplish-red under torch light. Other colour-change garnets are green, beige, brown or grey in daylight, and change to reddish or purplish-pink under incandescent light. The colour of garnet is the most important quality factor.
Garnet smykkesten Clarity and Lustre
Garnet exhibits a vitreous (glassy) lustre. The demantoid garnet, which is a green variety of andradite, has a high refractive index and is prized for its brilliance and adamantine (diamond-like) lustre. In fact, the name, “demantoid”, comes from the German word “demant”, meaning “diamond”, in reference to its lustre. Garnets are generally clean stones, however, almandine garnets sometimes have asbestos fibre inclusions. These inclusions cause asterism (a star effect), which is treasured due to its rarity. Additionally, some orange garnet, such as spessartite and hessonite tends to exhibit eye-visible inclusions. Andradite garnet is known for its distinctive, horsetail-like inclusions.
Garnet smykkesten Cut and Shape
Garnets are extremely versatile and can be cut in any fashion and shape. Red garnet tends to be cut into standard shapes, whereas valuable garnets that are not often found in large sizes, such as tsavorite and demantoid, are cut into shapes that retain the most carat weight.
Garnet smykkesten Treatment
Garnet is not artificially enhanced in any way.
Garnet info:
The gemstone Garnet is the official birthstone for January as adopted by the American National Association of Jewelers in 1912. It is also the stone for the Zodiac sign Aquarius.
Garnet occurs in every color except blue and most varieties are named for their color. Rhodolite is a purplish red, hessonite is the name for an orange, cinnamon, or pinkish variety. Tsavorite is the name given to dark green grossularite. Uvarovite and demantoid are also green varieties.
Pyrope garnets are purplish red, orangy red, crimson, or dark red. Spessartite garnets range from yellow and orange through red to reddish brown to dark black/brown. Color change garnets exhibit a “alexandrite-like” effect when viewed in natural light or artificial lighting.
Garnets range from a 7.0 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale of hardness and are found in the U.S. (Arizona), South Africa, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Myanmar (Burma), Scotland, Switzerland and Tanzania . Garnets are formed when high temperatures and/or pressure is a factor and geologists often use garnets as a gauge of the amount of temperature and pressure that was present during their formation.
Folklore, Legend, and Healing Properties:
Garnet’s powers include healing, strength, and protection and it is often worn to relieve inflammations of the skin. It is also believed to regulate the heart and blood flow and aid in curing depression. In earlier times, garnets were exchanged as gifts between friends to demonstrate their affection for each other and to insure that they meet again.