
Lavasten smykkesten

Lavasten hjælper mod stress og spændinger. Giver dig styrke og er beskyttende. En ankersten, der giver dig jordforbindelse. Skaber et healende miljø med renhed og sundhed.

Naturlige lavasten har en uregelmæssig overflade, hvor der er små hulrum og hver enkel sten er unik. Lavasten kan behandles på en måde, så overfladen fremstår blank eller mat.

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Lavasten smykkesten fra Von Mohs

  • Emotional- Since lava is known for its grounding qualities, it’s wonderful for calming the emotions. In fact, the quality of fire springs from the ground, so in terms of healing gems, this lends itself to a calming- but intense- energy. Because it comes from raw energy, it’s considered to be a stone of rebirth and shedding unneeded layers of emotional attachment.
  • Spiritual- Lava stones are fantastic for stabilizing and grounding the root chakra. This is because of the strong connection to the earth and its creation within the center of Earth. In folk remedies, it was also given to soldiers to help them remain calm during battle.

Born in fiery brimstone that bubbles to the Earth’s surface (and eventually cools), lava stone comes from the core of the earth. Lava is a rock formed from magma erupted from a volcano. Lava rock is a grounding stone and can help you connect with nature. Since the stone comes from raw energy, Lava Stone is considered to be a stone of rebirth and shedding unneeded layers of emotional attachment.

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