Opalite smykkesten
Opalite smykkesten er en syntetisk sten fremstillet af uren sorter af opal. Opalite som også er kendt som Tiffany sten, opaliseret flourit og lilla opal, kommer i forskellige iriserende nuancer af lilla, lavendel og hvid.
Trods det siges den at have helbredende egenskaber og forbedre psykiske evner og fremkalde visioner. Den menes at stabilisere humørsvingninger og rense blodet og nyrerne. Giver appetit på mere af livet, eller enkelt stående forhold. Bringer fred og ro til alle når det er nødvendigt. Tiltrækker lysvæsener og positive energier.
Den er nyttigt for bipolar mennesker og folk med søvnforstyrrelser . Opalite også bruges til at forbedre følelsesmæssig styrke i perioder med stress, såsom overgangsperioder eller andre meget travle perioder af livet. Den hjælper med at stabilisere stemninger, kan bruges til at lindre mindre depression og reducere aggressiv adfærd.
Opalite er forbundet med det tredje øje chakra og hjælper med at fjerne blokeringer af chakraer og meridianer . Dette gør opalite nyttigt at øge alle niveauer i kommunikation, specielt den åndelige.
Opalite smykkesten Facts, Information and Description
A purple, lavender, white stone sometimes with patches of mauve, yellowish-brown and black is found in beryllium ore (Bertrandite) . This stone is known as opalite, ice cream opal, opalized fluorite and opal fluorite. The name Tiffany Stone presumably comes from the jewelry company of the same name that used it in some of their designs.
Mined in the state of Utah, USA, this is a form of opalized stone that forms in mineralized nodules. It is composed predominantly of dolomite, opalized fluorite but often found with minerals such as quartz and chalcedony.
A beautiful stone in varying shades of dark purple, lavender and creamy white with swirls of dark and light yellowish brown and pink areas takes a high polish when cut en cabochon.
Folklore & Legend
Tiffany Stone (Opalized Fluorite, Opal Fluorite, Bertrandite, Ice Cream Opalite, Purple Opal)
Tiffany Stone (aka Opalized Fluorite, Opal Fluorite, Bertrandite, Ice Cream Opalite, Purple Opal) is a highly energetic but subtle stone. Psychically it helps with communication and interpretation of psychically received information of all kinds, including telepathic, channeled, clairaudience, clairvoyance, and others. Energetically it is excellent for removing energy blockages of the meridians and chakras. Tiffany Stone is helpful emotionally by assisting transitions during changes of all kinds, engendering persistence and emotional strength, and verbalizing hidden or secret feelings. Tiffany Stone is also beneficial for business and business success. Physically, Tiffany Stone boosts the sex drive and can enhance sexual experience, and is an all-around healing stone. Tiffany Stone is associated primarily with the third eye chakra.