Rav smykkesten
Hjertevarme, Glæde, Kærlighed, Succes, Lindring
Symboliserer solens livgivende stråler. Skaber tryghed og giver varme, blidhed, glæde og kærlighed. Fremmer en solrig, sorgløs og optimistisk holdning. Øger motivation og tiltrækker lykken og succes. Er generelt beroligende for kroppen og indvirker især på solar plexus og lænd. God imod astma, bronkitis, allergi, gigt og hovedpine. God til spædbørn.
Stjernetegn: Vandmanden, Vædderen, Tvillingen, Løven, Jomfruen, Skytten.
Rav smykkesten Facts, Information and Description
The gemstone Amber is one of the birthstones listed for the Sun Sign for Taurus.
Amber deposits have been found that range between 360 and one million years old and belong between the Carboniferous and Pleistocene geological periods. As sticky resin oozed from ancient pine trees, small insects, plant material, feathers and other small objects in the path of the flow became entrapped. Over time, the resin was encased in dirt and debris and through a process of heat and pressure it fossilized to become amber.
Amber increases in value with the rarity and perfection of the entrapped object. Complete insect specimens are rare though and command top price.
Copal, is also a tree resin but it hasn’t fully fossilized to amber. It is usually only thousands of years old, instead of millions of years. There is strong debate about some deposits of African amber as to whether it is copal or true amber.
Amber can range in color from dark brown to a light almost clear lemon yellow. Most amber that has been used in jewelry is from the region of the Baltic Sea or the Dominican Republic.
Amber is very soft, between 2 1/2-3 on the Mohs scale and can be scratched easily. Bracelets and rings with amber cabochons should be worn with care to prevent marring the stone. Much of the amber used in commercial jewelry is actually reconstituted which makes it harder and less prone to scratching. Reconstituted and processed amber usually doesn’t have natural inclusions.
There are many tests that can be performed to determine if the piece is natural amber or man-made. Of these, only the flotation test is recommended for the novice. Make a saturated solution of regular table salt and water and place the piece of amber in this mixture. If it floats, it is amber. If it sinks it is man-made (some natural copals will also sink and you would need to make more scientific tests to make a determination).