
Zirkon smykkesten

Zirkon har en hårdhed på 6,5 – 7,5 på Mohs skala

Zirkon giver dig tro på dine intuitive fornemmelser og vækker dine spirituelle sider. Hjælper dig med at se en mening med det hele. Du begejstres uden at miste dig selv og din jordforbindelse. Den forener det fysiske og psykiske med følelser og sind. En dydens sten der øger udholdenhed. Får dig til at føle dig mere fri, fuld af energi, fordi du slipper unødige bekymringer. En sten der står for uskyld, renhed og uforanderlighed. Den styrker vores kreative sider, vores lyst til at lege med ord, farver og former. Den formidler forståelse for kunst, og bliver også brugt som lykkesten af mange kunstnere. Den formidler forståelse for vor egen underbevidsthed, og hjælper os at tyde vores drømme. Den er fin, hvis du arbejder med at slippe unødige bekymringer, og den vil hjælpe dig med at binde løse ender sammen. Fysisk vil den hjælpe i healing af brud og sår, og du kan eventuelt lægge den ind under en forbinding.

Zirkon forekommer i blå, glasklare, grønne, brune og gule. De stammer fra Thailand, Canada, Cambodia, Vietnam og Shi Lanka.

Stjernetegn: Fisken, Tyren, Jomfruen, Skytten, Stenbukken.

Vis Zirkon smykker

Zirkon ædelsten fra Von Mohs

Zirkon smykkesten Color

Zircon in its purest form is completely colorless (white), but owing to trace impurities, it can occur in a wide range of interesting colors, including yellow, orange, red, green, blue, violet, brown and combinations in between. Yellow-brown to orange and red zircon are the most common occurrences, along with colorless. Blue is the most popular, but its color is obtained through the heating of brown zircon, usually from Cambodia and Burma. Due to pleochroism, blue zircon can look greenish from certain angles. Medium dark, pure blue stones have the most value. Green zircon is very rare and typically very expensive.

Zirkon smykkesten Clarity and Luster

In general, zircon is transparent to translucent. Impurities cause the various colors. Zircon with cat’s eye chatoyancy is known but very rare. Some crystals contain radioactive elements of thorium and uranium. Over time, the radioactivity breaks down the crystal structure so that such stones tend to a near-amorphous structure, with a slightly lower luster than the crystalline form. These low green zircon specimens are rare and are highly prized by gem collectors. They pose no radioactive heath threat. Zircon exhibits a brilliant, vitreous sheen when polished.

Zirkon smykkesten Cut and Shape

The high birefringence of zircon makes it necessary for the cutter to orient the table of the stone to the optic axis; otherwise the interior may look fuzzy, due to facet image doubling. Colorless stones are most often brilliant cut. Colored stones are most often brilliant or emerald step cut. Round stones are often given a ‘zircon cut’, which is similar to a standard round brilliant cut, but with an extra row of facets at the edges. The most popular shapes include ovals, rounds, pears, octagons (emeralds) and fancy trillions. Small melees are also popular.

Zirkon smykkesten Treatment

Many zircon stones are completely untreated. Some brown varieties, mostly found in Southeast Asia, may be heated to produce colorless and blue zircon. These colors aren’t necessarily stable, since ultraviolet rays or sunlight can cause color loss or changes. Some colors are unenhanced, including rose and rose-orange zircon from Tanzania, and orange to orange-brown zircon from Cambodia. Green zircon is very rare and owes its color to minute natural traces of uranium and thorium. Golden-yellow zircon is sometimes heated.

Zirkon smykkesten fra Von Mohs

Zircon Facts, Information and Description

Zircon is a natural stone – not to be confused with Cubic Zirconia which is manmade. It is known as a colorless stone used to imitate diamonds but also comes in: blue, yellow, orange, red, brown and green . It has a hardness of 7.5. on the Mohs scale

Zircon is somewhat soft so avoid scratches and sharp blows. Avoid hot water and household chemicals.

Brown Zicon is usually heat treated to change them to colorless or blue Zircon. Blue stones that revert to brown will regain the blue if reheated. Blue Zircon reheated in the presence of oxygen will change to a golden yellow.

Zircon will have more wear on its facets than diamond. Zircon is imitated by colorless glass and synthetic spinel.

Zircon is found in Australia, Brazil, Cambodia, France, Myanmar, Nigeria, Sri Lanka and Tanzania.

Folklore, Legend, and Healing Properties:

The legend of Zircon began when Hyacin, the Greek youth, was killed. A blue hyacinth flower grew from the spilled blood. The blue color of the zircon found in Greece matched the blue of the flower. Pliny, the elder, started this legend by his written comparison of colors.

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